Durante il mio ultimo pellegrinaggio nel mondo del tango, mi sono imbattuta in una incredibile chiacchierata con una persona creatrice di un progetto e di una esperienza di vita davvero meravigliosi.
Matias Haber è un ragazzo uruguaiano in giro per l'Europa che lavora, con il solido supporto della sua fidanzata, come insegnante di tango, ma...per persone con disabilità!
Cantante lirico nel coro dell'opera di Vienna, abbandona la sua carriera folgorato non semplicemente dal tango, cosa che non fa più nemmeno notizia, ma dall'esperienza dell'insegnamento di questo a classi di "allievi diversamente-dotati di talento nel tango", con sindrome di down e ritardi mentali, fino a casi di persone in sedia a rotelle... L'obiettivo? Condividere e integrare abilità e disabilità, non soltanto attraverso la completa assenza di selezione nella scelta delle disabilità (pensate alle difficoltà pratiche di gestione di fronte a persone in sedia a rotelle!), ma anche attraverso la partecipazione collettiva ad un evento che mescola concretamente sullo stesso piano artisti di fama internazionale, persone comuni e persone disabili tutti in pista, oltre ruoli e abilità fisiche, all'insegna del l'integrazione con il tutto. L'evento si chiama "Tango En Punta" (www.tangoenpunta.com) ed è il primo Festival di tango aperto anche ai disabili, già alla seconda edizione in Uruguai e approdato in Bregenz (Austria), nella sala dell'Opera della città (che bizzarra sincronia, dal coro dell'Opera al salone dell'Opera), sull'onda del grande successo sud americano. Sentire parlare Matias, con la sua spontaneità e verità, è da brividi e commossa gioia. Non c'è spazio per buonismo e affettazione di fronte al dispiegarsi di esperienze trasformative per tutti e di tale portata! Immaginate la realtà di questa esperienza, immaginate una persona con disabilità, e la sua profonda sete di relazione e condivisione in un mondo "disintegrato", che si esprime finalmente su un piano fisico mischiato allo spirituale nella profonda connessione di anima e corpo del tango, perché è nell' anima che siamo tutti uguali e senza disabilità , tutti manifestazioni di meravigliosa energia Divina! Mettiamoci davvero in gioco e mischiamoci di più, con gli altri autenticamente, e dentro di noi, shekeriamo carne e spirito più forte affinché si emulsioni meglio il tutto! In questo contesto il contrasto è forte e Vero, e ci urla al cuore il messaggio della nuova Era e della Nuova Energia: "noi siamo esseri spirituali che viviamo una esperienza terrena e non esseri terreni che vivono una esperienza spirituale"!
Ecco che significa "fine del mondo"!
Tanti si trovano disperati in questo momento, si sentono senza futuro o con futuro precario di fronte al problema della disoccupazione e dell'assenza di un posto fisso dignitoso, molti si sentono minacciati e indignati e si ergono a difesa della Tradizione di fronte all'avanzamento del "Nuevo" in ogni settore...ma...
Buttiamo via i vecchi gusci protettivi, non ci servono più, non possono più difenderci dalla nostra natura divina, che è Unione Universale oltre ogni differenza, che è Integrazione con la Maiuscola, che è Amore nelle nostre vite! "Disoccupiamoci" dai lavori che odiamo, il mondo ci getta in faccia questa opportunità di reinventarci per trovare il nostro vero scopo e senso nella vita, smettiamo di arroccarci intorno alla forma e all'apparenza di Tradizioni ormai vecchie, anacronistiche, e recuperiamone il senso profondo, valorizziamone la Vera Essenza! Che l'esperienza di Matias ci sia di ispirazione e "inspiriamone" la forza e il coraggio anche noi, l'opportunità non è per i disabili, è per la nostra disabilità della coscienza!! Ammiriamo lo spirito che si dispiega nell'amore di relazione, oltre il limite corporeo di queste persone, e commuoviamoci di gioia! Gioia per noi, non per i "poveri disabili", perché possiamo sperimentare concretamente che siamo tutti parte della stessa Luce Divina e possiamo destarci, ricongiungerci ad essa, tornare a Casa finalmente, e trasformarci!
Sostenere questo progetto è una meravigliosa opportunità come raccontano tutti quelli che l'anno vissuta e creata. Tendiamo la mano, non per buonismo, ma per noi stessi, "cogliamoci nell'opportunità"!!!
!!!!!!! English version !!!!!!!
with a capital I
During my last pilgrimage in the world of tango, I ran into a sensational chat with the creator of an amazing project and experience.
During my last pilgrimage in the world of tango, I ran into a sensational chat with the creator of an amazing project and experience.
Matias Haber
is from Uruguay. He wanders about Europe teaching tango, with the reliable support
of his girlfriend, to … disabled persons!
Former opera singer in the Vienna choir, Matias abandoned his career when he was thunderstruck not merely by tango, which is no news, but by the experience of teaching tango to differently gifted tango dancers: persons affected by Down’s syndrome or mental retardation or even persons in wheelchairs.
What is the purpose? Sharing and integrating abilities and disability, not only by carefully avoiding any selection between different forms of disability at admittance (just consider the practical problems arising from the presence of wheelchairs dancers!), but also by taking part in an event positively blending - on an equal level – world-famous artists, ordinary people and disables persons, everybody on the floor, beyond roles and physical abilities, under the flag of integration with the whole. The name of the event is "Tango En Punta" (www.tangoenpunta.com) and is the first Tango Festival open also to disabled persons. After two editions in Uruguay, this event reached the Opera House (what a peculiar synchrony to pass from the Opera Choir to the Opera House!) of Bregenz (Austria), catching the current wave of the big success gained in South America. When Matias speaks, so unaffected and true, he gives you a bit of a shake and emotional delight. No room for affected good feelings at the unfolding of experiences that transform everybody, and so deeply! Just imagine in real terms this experience, Just imagine a disabled person and his deep longing for connection and for sharing in a world that seems to “fall apart”. This longing finally finds its expression, both on the physical and the spiritual plane, in the tango’s deep connection of body and soul: because in the soul, actually, we are all equal, without disability, we are all the expression of a wonderful Divine energy! And so, let us be truly on the line: either outside, by authentically mixing up with others, and inside, by shaking up body and soul -stronger than ever - so that everything is finally emulsified! The clash, in this context, is strong and true, shouting to our hearts the message of the new Era and the New Energy: “we are spiritual beings living an experience on this earth, not earthly beings living a spiritual experience”!
That’s the meaning of the “end of the world”!
Many feel desperate at this moment, with an uncertain future or no future in front of unemployment or the lack of a decorous open-ended employment. Many feel threatened and indignant and stand up in defence of the Tradition against the raising of the “Nuevo” in all fields… but…
Let’s throw away the old protective shells, we don’t need them anymore. They cannot be a defence against our divine nature any more. This divine nature which is Universal Union beyond all differences, which is Integration with a capital “I”, which is: Love in our lives! Let’s be “no-employed” in employments we hate: the world gives us the chance to reinvent ourselves so that we can find our true goal and meaning of life. We should just stop entrenching ourselves in formalities and surfaces of old and anachronistic Traditions, for, instead, restoring their core meaning, enhancing their True Essence! May the Matias’ experience blow inspiration into us. May we “breathe” the strength and courage of that inspiration. This opportunity is not addressed to disabled person, it is addressed to our disabled soul!! Let’s admire the spirit spreading out in connection and love, beyond the bodily limits of these persons, and let’s joy move us to tears! Joy for us, not for the “poor disabled persons”, so that we may actually feel that we are all part of the same Divine Light and wake up to reconnect to It, to come back home, finally, and transform ourselves!
Supporting this project is an excellent opportunity, as all those who experienced it and created it say. Let’s give a hand: not because of a conciliatory attitude, but for us! Let’s catch this opportunity for ourselves!!!
Former opera singer in the Vienna choir, Matias abandoned his career when he was thunderstruck not merely by tango, which is no news, but by the experience of teaching tango to differently gifted tango dancers: persons affected by Down’s syndrome or mental retardation or even persons in wheelchairs.
What is the purpose? Sharing and integrating abilities and disability, not only by carefully avoiding any selection between different forms of disability at admittance (just consider the practical problems arising from the presence of wheelchairs dancers!), but also by taking part in an event positively blending - on an equal level – world-famous artists, ordinary people and disables persons, everybody on the floor, beyond roles and physical abilities, under the flag of integration with the whole. The name of the event is "Tango En Punta" (www.tangoenpunta.com) and is the first Tango Festival open also to disabled persons. After two editions in Uruguay, this event reached the Opera House (what a peculiar synchrony to pass from the Opera Choir to the Opera House!) of Bregenz (Austria), catching the current wave of the big success gained in South America. When Matias speaks, so unaffected and true, he gives you a bit of a shake and emotional delight. No room for affected good feelings at the unfolding of experiences that transform everybody, and so deeply! Just imagine in real terms this experience, Just imagine a disabled person and his deep longing for connection and for sharing in a world that seems to “fall apart”. This longing finally finds its expression, both on the physical and the spiritual plane, in the tango’s deep connection of body and soul: because in the soul, actually, we are all equal, without disability, we are all the expression of a wonderful Divine energy! And so, let us be truly on the line: either outside, by authentically mixing up with others, and inside, by shaking up body and soul -stronger than ever - so that everything is finally emulsified! The clash, in this context, is strong and true, shouting to our hearts the message of the new Era and the New Energy: “we are spiritual beings living an experience on this earth, not earthly beings living a spiritual experience”!
That’s the meaning of the “end of the world”!
Many feel desperate at this moment, with an uncertain future or no future in front of unemployment or the lack of a decorous open-ended employment. Many feel threatened and indignant and stand up in defence of the Tradition against the raising of the “Nuevo” in all fields… but…
Let’s throw away the old protective shells, we don’t need them anymore. They cannot be a defence against our divine nature any more. This divine nature which is Universal Union beyond all differences, which is Integration with a capital “I”, which is: Love in our lives! Let’s be “no-employed” in employments we hate: the world gives us the chance to reinvent ourselves so that we can find our true goal and meaning of life. We should just stop entrenching ourselves in formalities and surfaces of old and anachronistic Traditions, for, instead, restoring their core meaning, enhancing their True Essence! May the Matias’ experience blow inspiration into us. May we “breathe” the strength and courage of that inspiration. This opportunity is not addressed to disabled person, it is addressed to our disabled soul!! Let’s admire the spirit spreading out in connection and love, beyond the bodily limits of these persons, and let’s joy move us to tears! Joy for us, not for the “poor disabled persons”, so that we may actually feel that we are all part of the same Divine Light and wake up to reconnect to It, to come back home, finally, and transform ourselves!
Supporting this project is an excellent opportunity, as all those who experienced it and created it say. Let’s give a hand: not because of a conciliatory attitude, but for us! Let’s catch this opportunity for ourselves!!!